Ukraine Bible and Book Appeal – Urgent!
We have all seen and heard about the terrible events taking place in the Ukraine. In many ways we feel helpless in comparison to the scale of events. However, as Christians we can PRAY and TAKE ACTION.
The Lord asked Moses – ‘what do you have in your hand?’ (Exodus 4:2). While it is not easy for us at Kingsway CLC Trust to be involved in providing for all the physical needs of the refugees, let us not forget that there is a very big spiritual need right now – a real need for Christian literature in the Ukrainian language. As Kingsway CLC Trust we feel an imperative to do all we can. Can you help?
The international CLC family of which Kingsway CLC Trust are a part, has small but significant operations in Poland, Hungary and Romania, where so many of the refugees are heading. In addition to this we have many contacts and personal relationships with publishers in the Ukraine.
The refugees – mainly women, children and the elderly – have been forced to leave their homes with minimal possessions. What we can do in these terrible circumstances is provide hope through the resources that we are able to access. As a first step we are hoping to provide free of charge the following:
- CLC is printing 150,000 Ukrainian Gospel’s of John in southern Poland using text from the Ukrainian Bible Society. If we receive more funds, we will do a second or even third printing.
- CLC have been able to purchase 1,000 Ukrainian New Testaments from the Ukrainian Bible Society. If the border remains open, and if we have the funds, we hope to purchase thousands more in April.
- The purchase of 2,000 copies of Children’s Bibles from a publisher in Lviv, Ukraine. They have arrived in Poland and have already been distributed by CLC Poland.
- CLC is purchasing a mixture of over 2,880 children’s Bibles in Ukrainian, plus 500 copies in Russian from the Ukrainian Bible Society. These Bibles are for three different age groups. These will be distributed in Romania, Hungary and Poland through our shops and church connections.
- CLC is printing 10,000 copies of a 400-page bilingual Ukrainian-Polish Bible for children for children 6-10. These will be distributed in Poland.
- We will soon print 15,000 copies of a marvellous children’s book called Blotch: A Tale of Forgiveness and Grace, originally published in English by B&H Publishing (Broadman & Holman). CLC has already published this title in Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian. We are delighted to collaborate with the Ukrainian language publisher to make it available to the refugee children. A simple story with an accessible message, Blotch is an excellent illustrated book to teach kids about the Gospel.
- We are collaborating with a Ukrainian publisher to print My Name is Miriam, a tender and touching illustrated book for children written by the Ukrainian Christian author Nadiyka Gerbish in 2019. It’s the story of a refugee family through the eyes of a girl named Miriam. Now Nadiyka is a refugee in Poland with her own daughter. She is also collaborating very much with CLC with all of these projects. It’s a very appropriate book for the Ukrainian children and their mothers to read at this time. We hope to print at least 15,000 copies in April.
- Josh McDowell Ministries is collaborating with CLC to print 60,000 copies of his classic ‘More than a Carpenter’ in Ukrainian. Many thousands more may be needed. This will be distributed through CLC in Hungary, Poland and Romania.
- Distributing 5,000 copies of John Blanchard’s Ultimate Questions in Ukrainian.
In this historic moment, we are looking to the Lord to raise up donors to help CLC International purchase the books and the Bibles for children and to print various titles including John’s Gospel.
In faith we have sent funds and started the printing process but, of course, there is so much more that we could do with sufficient funds available. Can you help?
With our own people on the ground in these countries and the contacts they have with many churches that have mobilised to help this huge movement of people, we are confident that we can distribute as many Gospels of John and books as we are able to print.
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Text 5UKRAINE to 70450 to donate £5.
Text 10UKRAINE to 70450 to donate £10.
Text 20UKRAINE to 70450 to donate £20.
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message. You will also be able to Gift Aid your text donation to increase it by 25% if you are a UK taxpayer.
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